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Complex Behavioural Measurement, Analysis and Reporting
A coherent evaluation of the dynamics of your complex organisation's behavioural mix.
Statistical insights into the nature of influences, inferences & root causes of behavioural shortfalls & their associated risks.
Measurable remedial mitigation and optimisation options for better future organisational outcomes.
Client Benefits
Analytical Clarity on Business Variables & Influences
We use leading-edge measurement tools and analytical capabilities to decipher complex forces that shape your organisation, and help demystify those 'unmeasurable factors' and intangibles.
A better grasp of the complex root causes of your organisational challenges.
This is often the biggest challenge for management: to identify the underlying reasons for their business challenges. Solutions can only be effective when the problems are accurately identified within their true contexts. We won't speculate on the nature of your business problems; we apply a variety of lenses such as business enterprise architectures, behavioural sciences, and advanced mathematical tools to understand the true nature of your challenges. This helps you to grasp potential challenges before they happen.
Sustainable solutions that balance all your organisational stakeholders’ needs and obligations.
This is another big challenge for management: how to equitably balance tangibles and intangibles while ensuring no one is left out in their strategic vision. We use a methodology that can illustrate to management the consequences of their decisions and actions utilising mathematical and business models. Our solutions also cater for your organisation’s unique context, capabilities, maturity, and readiness for change.
Executive and Leadership Business Mapping
Professional Service Offerings
We work with leadership and executive levels to define the complex system model of your organisation. We overlay our established system of measurement tools, feedback and reporting that enable you to ascertain strengths, stressors and influences. In this way, we can report potential.
Executive modelling workshop - bespoke mapping of a system and its complexity.
Modelling of business systems and effects and movements of its parts and outcomes.
Ongoing long-term mapping and modelling of systematic shifts and moves.
Seasonal change modelling of the business ecosystem.
Business Outcomes
Map of complexities, analysis and reports showing levels of fragility, weakness, and possible stresses on the business model.
Long-term model building is possible, with a sustainable reflection system of analysis.
Measuring Shift, Change and Culture
Professional Offerings
How do we measure culture? We utilise our system to see how and where change is influenced through an organisational lens. Feedback and reporting into the model, we utilise our tools to fulfil, evaluate and stress test the utility of plans and actions.
By objectively measuring subjective outcomes, we can determine those tipping points within a structure. Our methods are about sustainable change and by running our lean and efficient models we aim to evolve your business to a position of resilience. Honing in on points and places of fragility, our models can help you identify those points which may tip over the ecosystem.
Workshops with the Executives, and wider staff, to ascertain components, from the top-down and bottom-up perspectives.
Mathematical analysis of your business network - what does it look like and how does it interact - objective analysis.
Fragility measurements and potential tipping points - a look at how the organisation may falter.
Insights on moving parts - how shift changes, has changed and can change.
Business Outcomes
Reporting that will provide you with detailed outcomes tying together parts of your organisation in a mathematical way via survey analysis, interviews, workshops, management discussion, and long-term analysis.
A detailed look at the components of your systems, and potential tipping point.
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